The term “masking” often referred to isolating the specific objects from an image using the ‘Erase’ or ‘Extract’ tools. Although there are some plugins available in Adobe Photoshop to make the masking easier, isolating specific objects from a photo can be very time consuming and exhausting too. We, the Clipping Path Family, usually isolate objects from images using a clipping path. But if needed, we also create and use an alpha channel or masks too!
Actually there are two basic differences between isolating image objects using so called ‘image masking’ and using our preferable clipping path. The very first difference between these two is masking removes the pixel whereas clipping path is vector based. The second difference is isolating objects from an image using masking allows transparency on that object whereas isolating images using clipping path often lag behind. This feature of masking is often helpful when an image has objects like grass or hair.
Using Clipping Mask:
Masking technique is recommended to use for isolating images when it is difficult to identify which is part of photo background and which is subject of photo. With masking, it is possible to remove the background based on the actual pixel present, making some part of the photo transparent. That’s why a glass remains a glass even if one places it on a totally different background.
Using Alpha Channel:
Like masking, Alpha channel can also be used for isolating images. Alpha channel method is also pixel based as like clipping mask method, but here the using technique is different. When isolating images using alpha channel, one needs to create an additional channel in order to capture the shape of the specific object instead of colour. This alpha channel method is also used to isolate an image with a lot of detail. As like clipping path method, this alpha channel can be selected in Quark, Photoshop or Indesign.
Can Clipping Path Family Create a Clipping Mask or an Alpha Channel:
We mainly isolate images from their background using clipping path. But if needed and advisable, we also create a clipping mask or an alpha channel for isolating objects. Most importantly, we let our honorable clients decide which technique they would like Clipping Path Family to use.